Via Zanzi 43
21037 Lavena Ponte Tresa
+39 3441019945
This application may be accompanied by a declaration signed by one or two proposing Full Members (who may not be members of the Board of Directors and the College of Arbitrators), who assume direct moral responsibility towards the Association.
Should the applicant not be known to any Full Member, he/she shall release at the bottom of the application a brief written curriculum that will be freely evaluated by the Board of Directors.
4. The validity of the quality of effectively achieved Associate to the action of presentation of the demand for admission is subordinate to the acceptance of the same demand from the Directive Council whose judgment must always be motivated and communicated, in case of negative decision, with registered letter to the interested one. Against such a decision it is possible to appeal by the presenting Members to the Board of Arbitrators.
5. In the case of applications for admission as a Member submitted by minors, the same must be countersigned by one of the parents exercising parental authority or, in their absence, by the possible guardian. The person who signs the application represents the minor to all intents and purposes towards the Association and responds to the same for all the obligations of the minor Member.
6. The membership fee may not be transferred to third parties or revalued.
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