
Via Zanzi 43

21037 Lavena Ponte Tresa​

​+39 3441019945



art. 01

The present Rules and Regulations approved by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the current Articles of Association, extend to all areas of social activity and commit all Members to the best interests of the Club.

Article 02

All Members are obliged to scrupulously observe the rules in force, in letter and spirit.

All Members must maintain a conduct that in every respect is in keeping with the prestige of the Club. The club office is normally reserved for Members.

Article 03

The Club bears no responsibility for any injury or inconvenience of any kind that may be

art. 03 The Club has no responsibility for any injury or inconvenience of any nature that may be suffered by Members and their guests while attending the Social Headquarters, its facilities, gymnasium, changing rooms, swimming pool, wellness centre, jetties and boats.

art. 04

Members are obliged to have the utmost care and respect for all Social assets, the Head Office, the

art. 04 Members are required to take the utmost care of and respect all of the Association's assets, headquarters, facilities, equipment, boats, etc.

Article 05

The Board of Directors and, by delegation, the Head Office Manager, will oversee the respect of the Association's assets and the observance of these Rules.

article 06

The employees of the Y.C.C. are responsible for the operation of the services and are available

in the collective interest and not that of individual Members. Members are therefore requested to avoid direct intervention on the staff.

Any request for services must be addressed to the Head Office manager or in his/her absence to the Secretariat.

art. 07

For expediency or necessity, the Board of Directors may make definitive or temporary changes to these regulations.

For anything not provided for in these regulations or in the event of amendments, the provisions of the Board of Directors shall be brought to the knowledge of the Members by posting them on the notice board.


A) Members and attendance of the Venue

Art. 08

All Members are invited to cooperate so that the life of the Club, in compliance with the articles of association and the by-laws, is carried out in an orderly and harmonious manner in all areas.

Complaints, grievances and criticisms shall only be forwarded to the Board of Directors via the

head office manager or, in his/her absence, to the Secretariat, strictly avoiding direct interventions on Members and staff or making them public outside the Association.

Article 09

All Members are obliged

a) to make the payments due for membership fees, contributions and other causes punctually.

b) to refrain from attending the Head Office, swimming pool, game rooms and wellness centre if they have not paid their membership fees. The Head Office manager is authorised to intervene in the event of any non-compliance.

c) to promptly notify the Club Secretariat of any change of address or telephone number.

d) to exhibit the membership card at the request of the Head Office manager or in his absence of the Secretariat staff.

The Club membership card is strictly personal and non-transferable to third parties.

Article 10

The Club's services, premises and facilities are normally available at the times fixed by the Board of Directors.

Occasional requests for changes must be forwarded to the Head Office Manager and in his/her absence, to the Secretariat.

art. 11

Dogs or other animals, bicycles, or any other means of transport may not be brought inside the premises, but must be deposited in the appropriate spaces outside.

article 12

Members and their guests are required to wear decent attire when attending the premises. It is forbidden to stay at the Venue in a swimming costume or with excessively skimpy clothing or in work clothes.

art. 13

With regard to the use of the swimming pool, gymnasium, game rooms and wellness centre, there are specific regulations displayed in the premises concerned and which form an integral part of these regulations.

article 14

The premises used for the wellness centre, game rooms, swimming pool and solarium are shared with the Yachting Residence Condominium. Non-residents in the Condominium must pay an additional fee for the use of these spaces.

B) Guests

art. 15 Only Club Members who are administratively in good standing and regularly registered may invite guests. Members who invite are guarantors for their guests and are personally liable for them in every respect.

Guests may attend the meeting room, the reception area and may embark via the social jetty.

Guests are forbidden to use the swimming pool, gym and wellness centre unless they have registered with the secretariat as Extraordinary Members and paid the relevant fee.

Article 16

Host Members must fill in the appropriate register, indicating legibly and clearly the

name of the guests with the date and signature of the Member. The register must be completed each time the Member accompanies a guest.

Article 17

Persons who have been struck off, expelled or suspended, even temporarily, from the Club may not be invited as guests.

Mr and Mrs Members who have not communicated their resignation in writing by 31 December, in the event of non-payment of dues, shall be considered to all intents and purposes delinquent and therefore may not attend the Association's premises in any capacity, even if accompanied by a Member or family member in good standing.

Members who have resigned by the prescribed deadline may not attend the Association premises in any capacity, even if accompanied by a Member or family member in good standing.

Article 18

Attendance at the Venue by Guests

Members who wish to invite guests to the Head Office must:

a) inform, if possible in advance, the Secretariat.

b) fill in the appropriate register at the Secretariat.

The same guest may not be invited to the Head Office more than three times during the social year, even if invited by different Members.

The number of guests is left to the politeness and good sense of the Member. Any abuses may be reprimanded by the Head Office Manager and/or the Board Member in charge.

art. 19

All Members are obliged to observe the guest regulations that the Executive Committee

may enforce, from time to time, through the Secretariat.

article 20

Member members of Italian and foreign Boating Clubs and officers of the Italian Navy and Armed Forces on permanent duty, occasionally passing through Lavena Ponte Tresa, may request to attend the venue during their stay.

The person in charge and the Secretariat staff will make the guests aware of the regulations and customs in force. Guests shall have to fill in the appropriate register indicating the Club they belong to or the Corps they belong to.

art. 21

During the course of sporting events, the use of the clubhouse is authorised not only to competitors, but also to members of juries, organising committees and the press. In particular, the use of the meeting room, the pontoons and the terraces on the lake may be made available to the aforementioned, which may be used for any award ceremonies.


article 22

The premises used for the Secretariat/Reception are strictly reserved for the members of the Board of Directors, limited to the performance of their duties, and the staff. It is therefore forbidden to stay in them without justified reasons.

art. 23

The Secretariat also performs reception and information duties. The Head Office manager controls the access of people to the Head Office.

article 24

A register of guests is kept in the Secretariat.

article 25

The Head Office manager controls the postings on the notice board in accordance with the provisions of these regulations and of the Executive Board.

article 26

Private information for Members and by Members may not be displayed at the notice board. Any such communications may be left at the Secretariat.


1) Ordinary Plus Members: Ordinary Plus Members are those who have reached the age of 18. Regular Plus Members enjoy an exclusive and perpetual berth in the Club's jetties, pay the basic annual fee and the annual fee for the management of the jetties.

2) Ordinary Members: Ordinary Members are those who have reached the age of 18. Ordinary Members pay the basic annual fee.

3) Junior Ordinary Members: Junior Ordinary Members are those who have not reached the age of 18. Junior Full Members pay 30% of the fee and have all the rights and duties of Full Members. The reduced fee is paid until the calendar year in which the member turns 18.

4) Cadet Ordinary Members: Cadet Members are those who, having reached the age of 6, have not yet reached the age of 14. Cadet members pay the reduced fee at 30% and have no active or passive voting rights. Reduced dues are paid until the calendar year in which the member turns 14.

5) Family dues: for the purposes of paying the entrance fee, only spouses or cohabitees are considered to be part of the family group. They pay 30% of the basic annual fee.

6) Pupil members: those enrolled in the various school courses are entitled to attend the venue during the course period, regardless of whether it is free or against payment. They pay a fee based on the type of course, federal membership and age.